Sunday, March 13, 2005

Toronto Sun Columnist: Sue-Ann Levy - TTC fare hike gives riders the fiscal finger

The Sun's Sue-Ann Levy reports on the latest fiscal outrages - and the latest blather to come out of TTC Chair Howard Moscoe's mouth:

Toronto Sun Columnist: Sue-Ann Levy - TTC fare hike gives riders the fiscal finger

Moscoe and a number of other commissioners will be headed off to Rome in June - just before their terms on the Commission are coming to end. Says Moscoe:

I don't apologize for sending people to get educated

Well - why have they waited until the end of their terms? How are these folks going to apply this new found knowledge if they are only in the job for a couple of weeks following the vacation (er business trip). Skeptics might well believe that the Commissioners will learn more about the Sistine Chapel than helping transit.

The good news is that Moscoe and a number of other folks will be off the TTC. The TTC's performance over the last decade or so has been abysmal - especially after David Gunn gave up trying to work with Moscoe. As this graph:

Comparison of Costs per Passenger

shows, the TTC's costs have risen rapidly, while the most comparable transit system (that in Montreal) has controlled costs. It now costs the TTC about $0.54 to move a passnger than it does the STM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good article.